I have specialized in online journalism, focusing on news production routines and contextual factors that constrain journalists at work and the development of the Internet as a news medium. Lately, I am part of research groups focusing on audience participation in online media and convergence among newsrooms. I also have followed the evolution of the Internet in Catalonia, my home country, with periodical reports on the social uses of the Net.
Here there is a list of my publications and conference papers, sorted by topic. Full documents and drafts are available when noted.
# Participatory journalism
Domingo, D., Quandt, T., Heinonen, A., Paulussen, S., Singer, J., Vujnovic, M. (in press) Participatory journalism practices in the media and beyond: an international comparative study of initiatives in online newspapers. Journalism Practice, 2(3).
Heinonen, A.; Domingo, D. (2008) “Weblogs and journalism: a typology to explore the blurring boundaries”. Nordicom Review, 29(1). [PDF]
Paulussen, S., Heinonen, A., Domingo, D. & Quandt, T. (2007). “Doing it together: Citizen participation in the professional news making process”. Observatorio (OBS*) Journal, 1(3):131-154. [PDF]
# Convergence
Domingo, David et al. (2007). “Four Dimensions of Journalistic Convergence: A preliminary approach to current media trends at Spain”, paper for the 8th International Symposium of Online Journalism. University of Texas at Austin. [PDF]
# Online journalism
Paterson, C. & Domingo, D. (2008) Making Online News: The ethnography of new media production. New York: Peter Lang. [order book, book blog]
Domingo, D. (2008) "Interactivity in the daily routines of online newsrooms: Dealing with an uncomfortable myth". Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(3), 680-704. [HTML, PDF]
Ph.D. dissertation: Inventing online journalism: Development of the Internet as a news medium in four Catalan newsrooms. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. July 2006. [Abstract, full text]
Domingo, D. (2006) “Material and organizational constrains in the development of online journalism”, paper for the COST A20 Conference: The impact of the Internet in European mass media. Delphi, Greece.
Castelló, E.; Domingo, D. (2006) “Spanish media facing online media: a challenge to journalists?”. International Journal of Iberian Studies. 18(3), 181-200. [Abstract]
Domingo, D. (2005) “The difficult shift from utopia to realism in the Internet era. A decade of online journalism research: theories, methodologies, results and challenges”, paper for the First European Communication Conference. Amsterdam: ECCR, ECA. [Draft in PDF]
Domingo, D. (2005) “Understanding the emergence of digital media. Reviewing 'Digitizing the News: innovation in online newspapers' by Pablo Boczkowski”. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics. 1(1), 157-160.
Domingo, D. (2005) “La utopia del periodisme digital: innovació i inèrcia en les redaccions digitals catalanes” [Utopia in online journalism: innovation and inertia in Catalan online newsrooms]. Trípodos. Extra 2005, 403-416. [PDF]
Domingo, D. (2004) Periodisme Digital a Catalunya: radiografia de 445 webs informatius [Online journalism in Catalonia: analysis of 445 news websites]. Barcelona: Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya.
>> Addendum (maig 2005)
Domingo, D. (2004) “Mapping online news in Catalonia: old and new producers”. In Salaverría, R. and Sádaba, C. (eds.) Towards new media paradigms. II COST A20 International Conference Proceedings. Pamplona: Eunate.
# Internet in Catalonia
Several authors (2005) Informe de l'audiovisual de Catalunya 2004. Barcelona: Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya. Author of the chapter "Internet a Catalunya". [PDF]
Díez, M.; Domingo, D. (2005) “Internet”. In Corominas, M., Moragas, M. de; Guimerà, J.A. (eds.) Informe de la comunicació a Catalunya 2003-2004. Bellaterra: Institut de la Comunicació - UAB.
Domingo, D. (2005) “Internet local: temps de supervivència”. In Corominas, M., Moragas, M. de; Guimerà, J.A. (eds.) Informe de la comunicació a Catalunya 2003-2004. Bellaterra: Institut de la Comunicació - UAB. [PDF]
Domingo, D. (2004) “Internet a Catalunya” [PDF] i “Cobertura informativa a Internet de les eleccions municipals i al Parlament de Catalunya” [PDF]. In Informe sobre l'audiovisual a Catalunya 2003. Barcelona: Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya.
Moragas, M. de; i Domingo, D. (2003) “Internet”. In Corominas, M.; Moragas, M. de (eds.) Informe de la comunicació a Catalunya 2001-2002. Bellaterra: Institut de la Comunicació - UAB.
Moragas, M. de; Domingo D.; López, B. (2002) “Internet and local communications: first experiences in Catalonia”. In Jankowski, N.; Prehn, O. (eds.) Community media in the information age. New Jersey: Hampton Press.
Domingo, D.; Esteve, T.; Benet, A. (2002) “El català a Internet: l’oferta lingüística a la Xarxa”. In El català en els mitjans de comunicació: situació actual i perspectives. Barcelona: Societat Catalana de Comunicació.
Rabadan, V.; Bonet, M.; Guimerà, J.A.; Moragas, M. de; Domingo, D.; López, B. (2000) “La comunicació local”. In Corominas, M.; Moragas, M. de (eds.) Informe de la comunicació a Catalunya 2000. Bellaterra: Institut de la Comunicació - UAB.
# Online media research methodology
Castelló, E. and Domingo, D. (2004)“Poking our noses into the production process: benefits and risks of researchers’ involvement in new media projects”, paper for the 2nd Symposium New Research for New Media: Innovative Research Methodologies. Tarragona: Universitat Rovira i Virgili.
Domingo, D. (2003) “Ethnography for new media studies: a field report of its weaknesses and benefits”, paper for the 1st Symposium New Research for New Media: Innovative Research Methodologies. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.
# Other research production
Domingo, D. (2005) “Lenguajes de la comunicación digital”. In Alberich, Jordi i Roig, Antoni (coords.) Comunicación audiovisual digital: nuevos medios, nuevos usos, nuevas formas.
Barcelona: Editorial UOC, pp. 177-208.
Domingo, D. (2005) “Publicar a Internet: guia de serveis i eines”. Mosaic.
Domingo, D. (2005) “Medios digitales: donde la juventud tiene la iniciativa”. Revista de Estudios de Juventud. 68, 91-103. [PDF]
Domingo, D. (2005) “Grup de Periodistes Digitals: una experiència associativa de Catalunya”. Mediatika. Cuadernos de Medios de Comunicación. 11, 185-197. [PDF]
Photoblog reflecting about digital Finland, during my research stage at the journalism department of University of Tampere during Winter 2004-05.
Last updated: Septembrer 2006
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